We are the united legal frontline in the fight for people and our democracy
Democracy 2025 is a coalition of 450+ organizations representing millions of people, committed to disrupting any efforts by the Trump-Vance administration to attack our rights, our freedoms, and our democracy through strategic legal action in courtrooms and communities across the country.
We will counter the Trump administration's harms in court
The sheer number of harmful efforts that came from the early days of the first Trump administration were not sufficiently countered with pro-democracy legal actions. And today, the threat of this second Trump administration to democracy and freedom is even greater, due to the support that coalitions of far-right legal and policy organizations have provided Trump’s agenda, the shifts that Trump was able to make to the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the rise of far-right populism domestically and throughout the global landscape.
Still, litigation remains an essential tool to counter harmful, illegal, anti-democratc actions from the Trump-Vance administration. We formed Democracy 2025 to develop legal theories and strategies that can be applied quickly and strategically, as soon as necessary, to increase our power and yield better results.
The only way we will defend our democracy is together
We are a coalition of people, lawyers, advocates, policy experts, communications specialists, and more committed to defending our freedoms and our democracy in the face of the profound threat that is the Trump administration.
The organizations in our coalition represent millions of people across the country.
We have meticulously studied far-right playbooks like Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership to predict where harmful efforts could emerge, and we’ve been preparing legal responses. United, we will disrupt these anti-democratic actors and build for a better future.
We the People will defend our prosperity and our democracy
The individuals and organizations involved in Democracy 2025 represent millions of people in communities across the country, and we have a strong record of using the courts and community action to defend our rights and freedoms against anti-democratic threats, including against the previous Trump administration.
Lawyers, advocates, and experts
pro-democracy organizations
We are 450+ pro-democracy organizations, representing millions, united by a commitment to our democracy
Get to know many of the Democracy 2025 coalition members, and join.
Would you like to join?
We welcome pro-democracy organizations interested in joining this effort to reach out.
Join the Fight for Democracy as a Supporter
Join the work to counter any unlawful, anti-democratic actions from the Trump-Vance administration and protect our freedoms and prosperity.

Frequently Asked Questions
Learn even more about us, and if you have additional questions, please reach out at democracy2025@democracyforward.org
A: Democracy 2025 began as a project by Democracy Forward in 2022 (before Project 2025 even published its Mandate for Leadership!) to research and plan legal responses to threats to our democracy. Since then, that effort has grown to include more than 450 organizations representing millions of people with 800 individuals actively working across a wide range of focus areas and tactical specialties. We are a broad and diverse pro-democracy coalition. If you or your organization or company is interested in joining us, please let us know.
A: We are particularly focused on the threats that will be harmful to the American people and that we expect the Trump administration to try and implement through executive actions or federal agencies, without waiting for Congressional action or approval.
The work of Democracy 2025 is powered by staff at individual organizations, including Democracy Forward and Democracy Forward Foundation. We encourage you to explore coalition members’ websites and related documents for more information about specific organizations.
Yes, we are committed to countering anti-democratic extremism wherever it appears, whether that is in the White House, in the states, or in the courts.
Democracy 2025 is a coalition effort led by both Democracy Forward and many other organizations, advocates, academics, and individuals. To learn more about Democracy Forward, visit democracyforward.org. If you have additional questions, please contact democracy2025@democracyforward.org.